The Demonstrator presented at the NoAE-Project Day 2012
To prove new communication concepts from experience is one goal of CoRE. Our prototype shows ambitious automotive applications, such as X-by-wire and broadband multimedia, over a flat homogenous in-car backbone network. By using small micro controller based embedded devices also in terms of computational power a realistic scenario is shown.
The prototype was build in 2010 as an interdisciplinary project in association with students from the departments of computer science, mechatronics and mechanical engineering. In spring 2011 it was presented to the community and was shown at national and international events.
To show the use of real-time Ethernet and its capability for multiple communication technologies with different demands in time constraints to coexist on the same physical layer, the demonstrator realizes multiple applications like steer by wire and video. This set-up exemplify the cooperation between algorithms with critical demands in reaction time and video streaming with high demands in bandwidth.
Furthermore with this work we could show bridging technology usable by future migration strategies to successively port hierarchical bus-system architectures used in today’s auto-mobiles to a flat TTEthernet network topology.
The real-time Ethernet stack and all applications are realized on an embedded platform with a low power RISC processor. Therefore this demonstration not only is representative for functionality, but also in financial costs, computational power and energy consumption.
Further papers, thesis and reports can be found in the publications section.